Batter up!

What do you do if you get so many new players to the league that there are still a number left over when your teams are already full? In the words of Bender: You start your own league (Blackjack is optional).

All of the great work being done getting new players into the sport in Glasgow and weekend training bringing them up to a standard meant that we had a surplus of players and no games to go to. Enter the Tollcross Tenderfoot League! Hosted at Tollcross Baseball Fields and running on Monday nights, three teams will battle it out for supremacy or, failing that, bragging rights in the pub. The Meatballs, Trofast and Wetsocks are made up of entirely new players or players who haven’t thrown a ball in years. Supported by a cast of thousands (or, well, willing players currently in the league) who provide coaching both on and off the field, as well as pitching (as it’s a hitting game, after all), the first game of the season was held tonight and enjoyed by everyone.

Trofast were at the Wetsocks and out scored them 21 – 11. The Wetsocks closed the gap in the 7th inning but it was too little too late. MVPs for the game were Katie R and Callum for Trofast and Rachel and Ben for the Wetsocks.

The TTF League will be a safe place for new umpires to work on their skills, new pitchers to get game experience, and seasoned players to try new positions they never get to play – with a focus on encouraging the newer player to have fun and enjoy the game!

Next week, the Wetsocks take on the Meatballs come down and watch or help out. If you would like to take part, then please checkout our Facebook group, send a message, and someone will take care of you there.

First half round up – Second half posted

Due to an enforced “Covid level” break in the middle of the first half of the season, the league decided to go with the traditional split and double round robin, much like the Scottish Premier football league but much more important, to finish up the year. The top half consists of the as yet, with one game to go before the official split, undefeated Pimpin, Saltires, Honey badgers (who recovered well from their early season struggles), and AJ’s (comp).   The bottom half after the split will feature the Highland Chargers, Fockers,  AJ’s (rec) and The Rocks, both of whom have also been improving as their new players are starting to hit their stride.  Each team will play everyone else in their half twice before all is said and done and all points from the first half will carry over with a maximum 18 and minimum (assuming no forfeits) of 6 points up for grabs – every team is mathematically back in with a chance of winning their respective halves.

Up first is the Tartan tournament with the chance to get a lot of game time in before the first games of the second half start next week.  As always fixtures and results will be available on the league page.

2021 Outdoor – Week 2 Roundup

Nights are getting shorter which means two things:  It’s lighter later and the midges are out.  At the old grounds, Diamond 2 was “fondly” referred as the Midge Diamond.  Looks like Diamond 1 on the new grounds is challenging for the title.  At least they weren’t biting on Tuesday’s night, preferring to masquerade as clouds instead…

This is is what unfolded in week 2:

It was week of two halves.  Tuesday’s games both ended via the run ahead rule, and Thursday produced our first complete 7 inning game within the new timed format.  It featured 4 teams looking to get their first win and 4 teams looking to avoid their first loss.  One team managed the first and 3 teams managed the second.

Tuesday’s games were AJs (rec) @ Fockers and Highland Chargers @ Saltires with the Saltires and Fockers both winning – for the Fockers, their first of the season.

Thursday’s games were Pimpin’ @ Honey Badgers and The Rocks @ AJs (comp) with Pimpin’ and AJs (comp) continuing their winning ways.

Things are starting to shake out for the league.  Next week is going to be interesting with a game between the Saltires and AJs (comp) on Thursday, meaning that one of the currently unbeaten teams won’t be.  The Honey Badgers, Rocks and the Highland Chargers will look to get their first win, with one guaranteed to achieve this as the Rocks play the Chargers on Thursday.  The Badgers face off against the Fockers in what will likely be a close game. All in all, things are starting to take shape.

UPDATE – Due to the COVID restrictions around travelling to and from Council areas which have different levels and with Glasgow remaining in level 3 while the surrounding areas drop to level, the scheduled week 3 games have been postponed till the 22nd and 24th of June respectively.  The next scheduled games are currently:

Tuesday – Rocks vs Saltires and AJs (rec) vs Honey Badgers
Thursday – AJs (comp) vs Highland Chargers and Fockers vs Pimpin’