Pimpin’ @ Honey Badgers



This was a game which, again, featured two recent winners of the league.  Like the Saltires last week, Pimpin’ retained much of their old squad, with the Badgers featuring a number of newer players.  It was tight for the first three innings with only 1 run the difference between them.  Pimpin’ put up a 5 spot at the top of the 4th which was enough for the win.  They kept adding on with the Badgers responding but unable to keep up the pace ending up the first full game of the season and a win for Pimpin’.

MVPs for Pimpin’ Jen T (for her consistent batting) and James (for hitting the long ball several times and strong defence in the outfield).
MVPs for Honey Badgers Julia (for solid defence at 2nd featuring a snagged hard liner) and Casper (for his outstanding defence in the outfield).

Next up? Pimin’ look to keep rolling against AJs (rec) and Honey Badgers look to get their first win against the Fockers.


Date Time Season
May 13, 2021 7:00 pm 2021 Outdoor


Diamond 1
Dumbreck, Glasgow, Glasgow City, Scotland, G41 5LB, United Kingdom


TeamMVP FemaleMVP Male1234567ROutcome
Pimpin’Jen TJames013532418Win
Honey BadgersJuliaCasper20121017Loss